7 Relationship Advice For Married Women

Chanbasha M
7 min readFeb 23, 2022
Photo by Christopher Alvarenga on Unsplash

The transition from being a woman looking for the right life partner to being a married woman with new challenges can happen almost overnight.

Once you’ve found the man you intend to spend the rest of your life with, there’s still plenty of room for relationship advice.

Just as you want to feel fulfilled, happy, and fulfilled in the long run, he wants the same. Here are some marriage relationship tips to keep your man happy.

1. Again, Make Your Expectations Known

Although setting expectations early in a relationship is recommended, it’s common for two people to be so caught up in starry-eyed emotions that they enter a marriage without them being firmly established.

If he doesn’t know what is expected of him, you are setting yourself up for a definite path to disappointment.

When he does something that makes you angry or upset, consider why you feel that way and why he doesn’t understand it.

In many cases, hurt feelings and anger stem from disappointment that your spouse has not lived up to your expectations.

It’s perfectly understandable, right?

However, the problem is that if you haven’t expressed your expectations, he has no idea how hard he has to work to achieve them.

Expectations are your hard rules in marriage. For example, probably:

  • You expect me to be faithful to you
  • You expect me to be respectful of your values.
  • You expect me to spend time with you

Bring these expectations to light early on if possible, but if you haven’t already, it’s never too late to start.

2. Keep Privacy Top Priority

Intimacy is such a multifaceted word. Many people understand it as sex, but intimacy is a much deeper term than the mere physical act.

Yes, sex is always important in a healthy marriage, but intimacy is bigger than sexual pleasure; it keeps both of you connected on an emotional level.

If you don’t make time for intimacy, you’re neglecting a critical component of your relationship.

Unfortunately, lack of intimacy is one of the main reasons two people grow apart.

Take time out of your hectic schedules to hug, kiss, show affection and, yes, for the love of everything you hold dear, have sex; have sex as often as possible.

3. Keep Your Projections In Check

You have your idea of ​​what it means to be a good wife from your perspective.

You even have your personal vision of what makes someone a good person.

However, as humans, we all have the tendency to project who we are onto others, especially our partner.

Consider this example:

The wife who has a mile-long jealous streak and has insecurity issues.

She is constantly questioning, speculating, and examining any signs that her husband is betraying their marriage.

He notices that she has been “off” for a day or two and asks why.

She immediately jumps to feel that he is leveling an accusation at her, questioning her commitment to him and to the marriage.

His sole purpose in asking was to determine if she was feeling unwell and needed his help.

In this scenario, the woman has projected her own ideas and habits onto her husband.

In other words, you’ve used your own way of thinking and coupled it with his simple question about what’s wrong.

Many times, in a marriage, it is easier to assume than to ask.

Unfortunately, the assumptions are based on our own perceptions and ideas, so they are rarely accurate.

Therefore, one of the best relationship tips for married women is to avoid projection by keeping personal interpretations in check.

4. Keep The Ties That Keep You Connected

Relationships, like life, develop in a cyclical way.

Throughout the entire process, people change and grow.

When two people have just started a relationship, they establish connections and these create a bond.

As people change with time and life experience, the things that once connected them can fade or weaken. Maybe:

  • Before you liked the same hobbies, but that changed.
  • You used to have similar ideas about future goals, but those goals have changed.
  • You used to have the best conversations about passionate ideas, but those ideas faded and the conversations stopped.
  • They used to have the best sex life, fully compatible in the bedroom, but those wants and needs are no longer the same.

One of the expectations of marriage is that they grow and change together. Sometimes two people don’t grow up together, they grow apart .

Why is this happening?

Normally, two people have lost the ties that united them and have done nothing to rebuild them or to strengthen what has begun to unravel.

Take a look at some of the most successful couples you know, possibly married for decades.

It’s not uncommon to see two people, if you look closely, who reinvented their relationship over and over again. on over and over again.

Successful couples may have virtually unbreakable bonds, but most re-invent new bonds as others fall apart.

5. Stop Keeping Score

It’s advice for women in long-term relationships: Throw the proverbial scorecard in the trash.

In fact, burn it. Never look back. Don’t do another.

A study has shown that women have better memory than men on almost every level.

So you probably do remember that time he made you cry in the middle of the supermarket, forgot your birthday, or got too fixated on a scantily clad girl on the beach.

The thing is, remembering the bad doesn’t help fuel the good in a relationship.

If the two of you have already made peace when he hurt you, you have verbally agreed that you will stay together, that you still love each other and that you will move on.

You can’t be pulling out old junk to use as fuel for new discussions. Let that baggage burn.

6. Let Him Be Your Partner

Life is hard. Between work, family, and responsibilities, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

It’s times like this when you could easily see working on your marriage, attending to their needs, etc., as just one more box to check off a list; you don’t want this

When life gets tough, team up.

Let him know that you’re struggling, that you need help, and that you can’t do it all by yourself.

Also, let him know that you are there for him when you see him overwhelmed.

One of the overlooked perks in marriage is having a life partner who should be by your side, working as hard as you are and carrying you around when you don’t have what it takes to go through life alone.

Independence and self-confidence are highly valued traits to bring to marriage, but allowing your partner to be your strongest support system is just as important.

Some guys even appreciate feeling needed.

7. Keep Your Individuality

When you met your partner, you were your own person.

Being married has this innate ability to upset you (obviously), but you have to retain that sense of individual personality and purpose.

Over time, it’s easy to give up parts of yourself because you want your partner to be happy.

While that’s okay up to a point, because it’s taken for granted and it’s a two-way street, you have to slow things down before you give in too much.

  • Two people can never agree on everything.
  • Two people can have totally different yet complementary mindsets.
  • Two people may have different perspectives on life, spiritual ideas and goals.

Marriage is about celebrating differences instead of letting them drive you apart. Individuality makes everyone who they are and should be valued at both ends of the spectrum.

You never want to look in the mirror and stop recognizing the person you see because you have sacrificed every part of your individuality over time to keep your partner happy.

This kind of understanding can hit hard and lead to unspoken resentment that your partner doesn’t fully understand.

If at any point in a long-term relationship you feel overshadowed by your partner, pull them aside, have a serious conversation, and let them know that you’re going to be a better version of yourself when you can be yourself.

After all, that’s the person you were when you started, and probably the person your partner fell in love with in the first place.

Bonus Tip: His Secret Obsession is a hugely popular relationship guide for women.

What does a 33 year old man who writes about relationships and psychology for a living think about His Secret Obsession?

Is it really worth your time and money?

Read my epic His Secret Obsession review to find out.

